Tag Archives: Romantic Monday

Love for life- Romantic Monday

25 Feb

Image source: http://www.forwardedemails.com I own no rights.

– The meaning of life is to live rich. To be courageous. Life is short and there’s many lives for us to live within that short time. Many places to see, many wells to peek in. You don’t have to jump straight into them all but at least take a look and see how deep the water is. Find what rich life means, to you. Is it money? No…

– Money might be riches in your wallet but what are the riches of the heart is a totally different matter.

– You’re right. So don’t be afraid. Go where your heart yearns to go.


Above is the conversation I just had with my neighbour. It came out of nowhere, as I was coming home from my walk. Out of nowhere came the words I needed to hear, the courage I needed to feel again. Who knew? Who knew that life can be this generous?

My neighbour did.  He had the wisdom. Now it has been passed on to me. And I wish to pass it on to you.

So I hope, I wish, I pray you feel blessed today. Just remember:

The love for life is the only love you need. Out of that love is all other love born.


I cradle the silence

I bow my head as life’s candle is lit

I can see the flame trembling

In the meandering trail of birds

Rejoicing in the cry of a newborn

My gaze, it answers to the infinity

My fingers run smooth

In morning’s blinding curtain

With gratitude

With freedom of breath

In laughter and in vehemence

They run and my hands

They lift me up

When I throw myself in between

The blades of thunder and light

I am the spark

Flaring, blazing

I am the warmth born

Where those two blades meet

I am life

Where swords of contrasts

Sometimes dash to fall

In love

If you feel tired, I hope your strenght is revived. If you feel happy, I hope you feel happier today than you did yesterday. I hope for peace to your soul. Better still, I believe in hope, happiness and peace. I believe in love. I believe in life. I even believe in Mondays.

Wishing you peace and love on this particular one!

A Reckless Fall – Romantic Monday Part II

28 Jan
Image source and rights:dailybitsofbeauty.com

Image source and rights:


Okay, this piece is something a bit different.  I actually wrote it yesterday, in a rush of creativity, but then got a bit scared to share it. Is it too simple, too different from my other pieces?

But then again, isn’t that what love sometimes is? So simple you can’t rationalise it? You can only feel it.

Love is cooking dinner to someone and being able to make their potatoes taste like caviar. Because when that someone tastes those potatoes, what they really taste is their love  for the hands that peeled them. And that makes those humble spuds diamonds in their eyes.

No wonder Gordon Ramsay is always so picky. He should quit the shouting for a bit and try some love.

Here goes, I’m going to brave myself.  Hope you like it!


A Reckless Fall



I’ve been locking myself to toilets

So I can smile in peace

Remember again

Your stare rocking my insides

Then lean against the dirty tiles

To gain some balance

But secretly trying to just

Drop through them

Surrender to that rushing sweet fear

A reckless fall of anticipation:

Will you catch me?

Will you smile at my lipstick?

I know, I put on too much

In purpose

So you can keep kissing it away

For a bit longer


Peace and love to all of you!


Hummingbird Blinks – A Romantic Monday post

28 Jan

Again our favourite day of the week! Or if you still think Mondays are dull, click here and see what kind of  fantastic poetic love-rave is happening every week! It has cured me from my Monday syndrome permanently.

Nothing like a good dose of love and writing to keep you smiling, eh?


Hummingbird Blinks

Your eyes, their golden hue

Grasps at my past

That chameleon cocktail

Scattered across my mind

Memories in ruin

Like blazing terracotta ash

Now changing their skin

Cooled by green-tinted twilights

Your knees, magnets of spring

Fresh grass running to stain them

Your gaze,  holding me in place

As I grow mesmerised

By  the little vapours of breath

Escaping your lips

Their shadows in the evening air

Like a phoenix rising

To cover me with its wings

Then we startle ourselves

Awake again

With hummingbird blinks

Watch shy smiles being born

And in that akward suddenness

My breath too is relieved

Finally pushing past the past

To become mixed with your breath

A love potion stirring in the wind

Lingering – Romantic Monday

21 Jan

Into The Horizon Logo


Right at this moment, someone is being kissed. Someone smiles. Someone falls in love.

Someone utters their goodbyes and walks away,  tucks an escaped string of hair behind their ear, for safe-keeping. Till the day comes they find love again, find that they have picked that abandoned string of hair up and are twirling it around their finger, daydreaming.

Right now, someone is dreaming. And someone’s dreams come true. Someone says I do. Or somewhere, a baby cries out for the first time.

For love never ends. Not even when it’s silent. It only pauses to catch its breath, to start again.


Wishing you a hopefilled Romantic Monday!




Your echo alive on my pillow

In hair and teardrops

Those little ripples of closeness

You left behind

Rising to waves in my sleep

Mirages of waterfalls

You pooled out of your eyes

A cry of goodbye so strong

I can still feel your tears

Watering my dreams

Droplets of your life

Flowing in me

On my skin, at night

Reflecting the shine of shooting stars

A glitter blanket of love


14 Jan

Image source: space.com
I do not own any rights

A simpler Romantic Monday thought for you this time. Love can just be caring, about anyone, about everyone, granting a passer-by a little jewel of your smile. Watching, caring, learning. To live can be a life-long romance.


All I hope is to see you
Raising your hands to the skies
Greeting the beauty of light
All around, as it envelopes you
And holds you in its cradle
All I hope is to see you, safe
Your smile a crescent, your tears
Clear moonbeams running down
In rescue, to feed it full again

Scarlet blush

31 Dec


Right, I’m not actually at all sure whether Romantic Monday is still going on but I still want to give you the love you deserve. So you’re getting a poem from me anyway.

This one is not just about love, it’s also about asking. Why is it so hard to ask for help when you’re in need, why is so scary to voice your inner dreams? Have you ever thought about that? Is it because it makes you vulnerable? If so, why is it bad to be vulnerable?

It’s tempting to keep on rambling about this poem  because somehow it feels particularly important to me. But since I did the asking, I’m going to leave the answering to you.

So do you dare to call out to your dreams, do you dare to listen to yourself and voice yourself this coming year? What do you wish for when the fireworks burst at midnight?


Scarlet blush


When my expressions

Become splintered

Like a thinning lint of a cloud

Ripped down, torn away

From the shining canvas above


When all the lines of my skin rest limb

Emaciated out of emotion

When they have given up running

Tingles down my spine, searching

For the prickling electricity of human touch


Will you come then to rescue me

Will you trace those lines alive

Dive deep into me and push apart

That skinny ice, that crippling

Cobweb veil covering my stilled eyes


Will you find and gather

All the loose ends of love we’ve scattered

Will you plant them around our hearts

Sew them into a lacy wallpaper where

The escaped threads of our souls entwine


Till they grow into a shelter

A shielding ivy cottage and look

All the tulips bending their bashful necks

Blossoming into bright scarlet blush

When we move together…


Wishing you all a lovely New Year! And peace and love, as always.


Eye of The Storm -Romantic Monday

10 Dec


Eye Of The Storm


My laugh and my words, with you

They were like young and wild saplings

Rooting themselves into the hardest of fields

Unreserved, finding their home in darkness too

In the black full moon of your pupils


That moon beckoned the tides inside me

To rise high,  it shook the hanging bridge

Of quavering feelings between us

Made me gasp as if it was a buried miracle

A legend, a myth, the Hanging Gardens

Of Babylon, rejuvenated.


Then came your words, showering

Sharp stones of erosion, edged their way

Between my dreams of the whitest houses

With curtains of soft yellow, open in invitation

Your cracks, your stones and gulleys

Collided and started an avalanche in my heart


As I saw your ankles turned sideways

Desperate to tread these streets bare of me

Aching to disappear into the misty silence

Looming over us like limb tree branches

Sucked out of wind, forever on stand-by

Ready to swallow up our goodbyes


And yet, when I looked at you

A feeling wavered over your face

A fragment of softness, warm hesitation

Born in that moment, our skinny love

Like a ripple that carries us

Safely back to that one clear day


When you allowed me to learn your tornadoes

And typhoons by heart, to calm them all

By touching the soft peachfuzz of your skin

How I wish we could have stayed there

In that blissful drowse,  sleeping together

In the silenced eye of your storm


To find all of the amazing romances visit the blog of the God of Romantic Monday here.

Two in one: A Promise Whispered and Plea -Romantic Monday post

3 Dec



Okay, because it’s Romantic Monday and all you need is love, I’m going to be extra generous today and give you not one but two romantic poems!

Yesterday I talked about poetry duets being an inspiration dialogue, so today I decided to try something new on those lines. I’m very excited! What you’re getting is the dialogue of two poems, the dialogue of two lives, the dialogue of two lovers.

First, you get to enjoy a poem by one of my favourite poets, Tommy Tabermann, that I stumbled upon today and translated to you.  I then wrote my Romantic Monday- poem as an answer to his. I wanted to have two pieces that might be separate but breath in the same rhythm, a nod towards ‘finding your missing piece’ which is of course THE idiom of romantic love. In doing this I wanted to give you something totally new, something you have not read before, another view on romance. Because what I love most about our Romantic Monday is that it has become a world-wide poetry feast, always surprising, always showing new shades of love.

Plus, Tommy Tabermann should be introduced to you because he is quite adorable and looks a bit like a sheep,  and sheeps too are adorable. (Click the link to see how fluffy he is! He would make a very wise sheep, I’m sure.) And he’s very talented of course and I want to pay my respect to his poetry, in which Cupid lives quite happily without a doubt since it is so full of feeling. Hopefully my translation does his poetry justice.

Peace and love, enjoy and take care of each other!


Plea by Tommy Tabermann


Come to me as rain

Come as swift, swooshing,

chinkling like the bells 

of an invisible cattle

Come to me as the rain of May.


And from the fissures of my rock

the grass and the onion will swoop

out of their cell, they will plead to

be a pillow under your ear,

a gipsy camp on your tongue.


Come to me as snow

Come as the freezing, slowly

trudging flakes of November

The raging, draughty rifle

of your last words on your shoulder.


Not in me to be a lint,

not  in you to be the wind.


Come to me, but

now already I will ask,

now already

I will ask, staring into

the cerulescent of my anticipation,

spare me of sleet.


And here’s mine:


A Promise Whispered


I will move into your heart

The way spring’s fingertips move

On the velvety surface of dawn

In caresses of translucency

In softly rising light first unnoticed

Colouring the air into life with hasty streaks

With petals of purple lilac


I will move into your heart, I will come

and shower myself in your love

Be it fleeting, arctic storms

Ice ages outliving the swaying summer wind

Be it a stream of  pearly water reviving

Or the somber, grey stubble

Of the Autumn fields, tast all harvest,

Bending their bare heads in humble greeting


I will,

if you only let me surrender

If you only let you to unravel undone,

If you only let us to become

The meandering trail of frosty mornings

And the surprising crumbs of time

To be found asleep, waiting peacefully

Inside the buds of sunflowers


I will come

If you only let us become

Anything at all, even just a distant ring

A sudden burst that once strikes through the air

Simply to startle a single butterfly

Into flight, into a promise whispered

In a spinning moment, in a wink of an eye.


Find the official hub of Romantic Monday here.

Searching the flame- Romantic Monday post

26 Nov

Again, I have to kindly thank Hotspur and Romantic Monday for bringing me out of my  writing slumber. I have not been well… Well, actually I was not well and then I didn’t give my body the rest it yearned and that seemed to result in my body unleashing a super-attack of snot, fever, ache and general comatosis of my brain (sorry, not a very romantic image). Now I’m in some kind of exhausted hibernation, I guess I asked for it really.

But I’m alive. And not taking part in Romantic Monday would be like sitting with a can of cold beans and watching others feast on gorgeous Christmas Dinner. So I have indeed created something for you. I hope you enjoy!

To see other beautiful scenes of romance visit here.


Searching the flame


I watch love travelling

The roundabouts of scattered hearts

Or taking a road trip to see the sun

Stretching its pale arms wide

And caressing the coming times

Even the moon and all the tides

Calming even the uncontrollable


I watch love dancing in the grass

Disguised in hazy blue, in coldest colours

But still dizzying and spinning awake

Like the fresh breath of breeze

Reaching out to dust the stars

And all the numbed hearts of the forgotten


I lie down in that bending sea of change

Surround myself in feeling

And in peaceful wonder I witness

The migrant birds behind my eyes leaving

Finally taking flight, shrinking the distance

Between me and the skies

Singing out my dreams till they turn into

Fresh-water springs, into travellers of cosmic winds

Into brave riders of the stardust


Till they find you and are sprinkled down

To cover your skin

In the most flaming glitter, in the bright halo

That blinds us to fumble a touch

That binds us to silently watch

Our souls crackling in the air and

Love,  love igniting us

Romantic Monday: Injured promises

19 Nov

I know I’m a bit late… but sometimes love just keeps you waiting. Whether this is romantic is an open debate for you to tackle, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! Wishing you lots of love.


Injured promises


How to let go of this hide and seek,

this aching, pulling love that lingers

in resolute hotel rooms


With their smooth sheets

Chemically washed, bleached

Out of human touch

Beaten fresh till they forget

The secrets whispered by

The blinded runaway-bodies


How to let go of the injured promises

This love wearing the rags of a coward

Hiding away in those hotel rooms


Behind their indifferent walls,

muddy decors so softly painted

That they erase your memory

Gently rinse it out of guilt

Guide it into a careless bliss

With the echoes of I do’s fading


As your heart tangles with the warmth

The withering hopes of letting go

Laid bare under the hotel room sheets


Till all that is left of this game

This cold dinner for three

Are the left-overs of our hearts

Our blue lips alienated, wondering

Wandering across the plains

Of our grated, rusty skin


Losing touch, losing trust, losing hearts

Limping in silence, watching

As all our love

So slowly shivers, faints and falls


Fall in love with other beautiful Romantic Mondayisms:

The Bonfire Effect (The Cheeky Diva)

Seeking A Friend (Hastywords)

Reluctant Love (Playing with Words Is Fun)

Moment (Sage Doyle)

Sheila and Gilbert (Kayjai’s Blog)

Better Late Than Never (Ohmygawd, just do what I say!)

How To Say I Love You Without Saying A Word (Love and Lunchmeat)

The Dog Ate My… (Antoinette M.)

The Perfect Dream- Sleepy Romantic Monday Post (Edward Hotspur)

The last link also explains everything you need to know about Romantic Monday as our inspiring creator intended it, plus it has some gorgeous past posts! If you have a post to add, feel free to drop it on the comment box below.

Stay safe, stay strong, stay lovely! And keep on romancing.