Tag Archives: love

Small but significant

26 Mar

There has been many thoughts swirling in my mind lately, too many to find words for them. Big changes are happening, like the news that I get to move to Scotland next September to study in University of Edinburgh. I am so excited!

But today, I found my words again. I found my way back home, back here. The feeling was quite magical.

I was sitting on a bench by the sea, gazing out to the horizon. Wind started blowing wilder and as I sat there, I took a moment to just empty my mind. I closed my eyes for a while and I tried to inhale the light of the spring sun climbing higher. Slowly, the insides of my eyelids became patterned with patches of blue light. I assumed this to be the sky shining through to my vision. But as I opened my eyes, I found that the sea had broken free. Where before there had been just a vast, blank canvas of ice, a distant and cold glacier, there was now the sea. It was deep blue and it spread. I stood up and as I gazed at the sea growing, I felt that I was in a right place, at a right time. I belonged but I was free to go. I thanked the sea for making me feel whole.

Just before the sea broke out in the distance, I took this photo with my phone:

2013-03-26 13.49.39

You can see that little black figure on the left, under the big cloud? Not much bigger than a black dot. Smaller than the rocks, smaller than the skies. Well, that is you and me. That is a human being. Small maybe, but significant too. Cherished for its ability to love, for its foolish pleasure of treading on the ice. The ice, it carried this person into safety, into the land. Only then did the sea free itself.

And it reminded me of how we are part of this whole entirety, how it carries us in its chain, even when we feel or act like the weakest link. And of how we should always respect the nature, for we belong, for we are enveloped by it.

We can choose to be the sun’s mirror. We can choose to be a willow’s branch, bent by the wind but not snapping.

Love for life- Romantic Monday

25 Feb

Image source: http://www.forwardedemails.com I own no rights.

– The meaning of life is to live rich. To be courageous. Life is short and there’s many lives for us to live within that short time. Many places to see, many wells to peek in. You don’t have to jump straight into them all but at least take a look and see how deep the water is. Find what rich life means, to you. Is it money? No…

– Money might be riches in your wallet but what are the riches of the heart is a totally different matter.

– You’re right. So don’t be afraid. Go where your heart yearns to go.


Above is the conversation I just had with my neighbour. It came out of nowhere, as I was coming home from my walk. Out of nowhere came the words I needed to hear, the courage I needed to feel again. Who knew? Who knew that life can be this generous?

My neighbour did.  He had the wisdom. Now it has been passed on to me. And I wish to pass it on to you.

So I hope, I wish, I pray you feel blessed today. Just remember:

The love for life is the only love you need. Out of that love is all other love born.


I cradle the silence

I bow my head as life’s candle is lit

I can see the flame trembling

In the meandering trail of birds

Rejoicing in the cry of a newborn

My gaze, it answers to the infinity

My fingers run smooth

In morning’s blinding curtain

With gratitude

With freedom of breath

In laughter and in vehemence

They run and my hands

They lift me up

When I throw myself in between

The blades of thunder and light

I am the spark

Flaring, blazing

I am the warmth born

Where those two blades meet

I am life

Where swords of contrasts

Sometimes dash to fall

In love

If you feel tired, I hope your strenght is revived. If you feel happy, I hope you feel happier today than you did yesterday. I hope for peace to your soul. Better still, I believe in hope, happiness and peace. I believe in love. I believe in life. I even believe in Mondays.

Wishing you peace and love on this particular one!

By the way, I love you

21 Feb

Image source:
I own no rights.


So struck, stuck with feelings.

Feelings… Does that word make you quiver a little bit? Because it makes me sometimes.

That’s where I have been the past few weeks; feeling the days away. There’s been a lot going on, good stuff mainly and a bit not so good stuff, all merrily bunched up under an umbrella of overwhelm. I’m aware that ‘stuff’ is not exactly the frontier of articulation. But that is really why I’m writing this! To ask you:

Do you ever turn into a very promising BBC Weatherman or a woman wannabe? You know, when all you want to do is gag out how you feel.

But instead you find it is so much easier to state ‘What a lovely day it is’ to an elderly lady standing next to you on a bus stop.

Why is it so hard to tell someone that they’re precious, important, dear to you? Or that we’re hurt. Or upset. Why do we feel the need to hide our tears when we get emotional in the cinema or under a vast starry sky? 

We use by the ways and anyways and casual dressy phrases to turn our emotions into casualties. To shove them away.

But do we really need to hide?

We all cry, laugh, scream. We all feel. We all quiver. We all lose our bearings and words and freeze to the spot.

But the difference is, getting lost together is much more fun.

That way you have a hand there you can hold onto in the dark. And when the morning comes and you realise all the shadowy sounds were just your imagination, you can be the spark behind their smile. You can be a burst of laughter, a shrugh of relief. 

So now, if you let me take your hand again, I’d like to get lost with you. Lost in words:


Swimming by


We live by each other
We pass each other by
In silence
Casual by the ways
Seeping from our mouths
Our tongues parched papurys
Mute tombs, torn gardens
The longing spoon's clinking
Against our solitary coffee cups
As we drink black mornings
We stir through them alone
So careful not to twist our ankles
In the craters of perplexion
We scatter behind, ahead
As we live by
Goodbyes never uttered
Words trickling through our fingers
Like sand taken away
By the waves
Salty ocean tears, rocky boats
Duct-taped souls
So clumsily fixed and ripped
By the tempest
The nature pulling us out
Our eyelids
Heavy curtains
Thrown up
White phantoms swimming
In the air
So light to look
So light to see
A flash of simplicity
Lightning bolt scarring the sky
Pain passing so swift
Leaving our hearts to be
In peace
Reaped by the dawn
We reach
Bring our hands forward
Open bold barefaced
We live
We live
We live by love

Growing death

3 Feb
Image source: dailymail.co.uk

Image source:

Growing death


Your dainty body
Immured in goodbyes
A dry, silent pleading
Lolling out of your mouth
Your swollen tongue
And taste buds
Like overripe berries
In their longing
To be covered with a blanket
Of fresh air, once more

In answer
I brought your hands
To my lips
Kissed them into a handloom
Allowed my warm breath
To become a spinner
Diving for your wish
To find it nestling
In the gullies of time
Lining your palm
I gave them all my air
Till they were fresh valleys
And your green eyes suddenly
Wet grass glistening

Then I took a deep drink
Inhaled your soul
Drew out of you
A raindrop thread of life
Pieced it gently together
With my teeth, felt it
A Nightjar flapping
Pushing dawn along
With its wings
Your wings
Curled to rest on my tongue
I ran, ran, ran
Out to the open

There I freed you
Blew you out, head rushed
So you could feel again
The sprinkle of spring
In the air
That was when
I heard a deep gasp
The whole landscape
Sucking its breath
To welcome you
That was when
I understood the halo
Life’s perfect mosaic:

Your smile
Bowing like a rainbow
On the sky
Tying together the miracles
Of earth and air
Your mouth open
To greet the delicate taste
Swirling in the wind
The taste of overwhelming
Overflowing, growing life
You, laid to rest
With the whole world
Imprinted on your eyelids

A Reckless Fall – Romantic Monday Part II

28 Jan
Image source and rights:dailybitsofbeauty.com

Image source and rights:


Okay, this piece is something a bit different.  I actually wrote it yesterday, in a rush of creativity, but then got a bit scared to share it. Is it too simple, too different from my other pieces?

But then again, isn’t that what love sometimes is? So simple you can’t rationalise it? You can only feel it.

Love is cooking dinner to someone and being able to make their potatoes taste like caviar. Because when that someone tastes those potatoes, what they really taste is their love  for the hands that peeled them. And that makes those humble spuds diamonds in their eyes.

No wonder Gordon Ramsay is always so picky. He should quit the shouting for a bit and try some love.

Here goes, I’m going to brave myself.  Hope you like it!


A Reckless Fall



I’ve been locking myself to toilets

So I can smile in peace

Remember again

Your stare rocking my insides

Then lean against the dirty tiles

To gain some balance

But secretly trying to just

Drop through them

Surrender to that rushing sweet fear

A reckless fall of anticipation:

Will you catch me?

Will you smile at my lipstick?

I know, I put on too much

In purpose

So you can keep kissing it away

For a bit longer


Peace and love to all of you!


Hummingbird Blinks – A Romantic Monday post

28 Jan

Again our favourite day of the week! Or if you still think Mondays are dull, click here and see what kind of  fantastic poetic love-rave is happening every week! It has cured me from my Monday syndrome permanently.

Nothing like a good dose of love and writing to keep you smiling, eh?


Hummingbird Blinks

Your eyes, their golden hue

Grasps at my past

That chameleon cocktail

Scattered across my mind

Memories in ruin

Like blazing terracotta ash

Now changing their skin

Cooled by green-tinted twilights

Your knees, magnets of spring

Fresh grass running to stain them

Your gaze,  holding me in place

As I grow mesmerised

By  the little vapours of breath

Escaping your lips

Their shadows in the evening air

Like a phoenix rising

To cover me with its wings

Then we startle ourselves

Awake again

With hummingbird blinks

Watch shy smiles being born

And in that akward suddenness

My breath too is relieved

Finally pushing past the past

To become mixed with your breath

A love potion stirring in the wind

Lingering – Romantic Monday

21 Jan

Into The Horizon Logo


Right at this moment, someone is being kissed. Someone smiles. Someone falls in love.

Someone utters their goodbyes and walks away,  tucks an escaped string of hair behind their ear, for safe-keeping. Till the day comes they find love again, find that they have picked that abandoned string of hair up and are twirling it around their finger, daydreaming.

Right now, someone is dreaming. And someone’s dreams come true. Someone says I do. Or somewhere, a baby cries out for the first time.

For love never ends. Not even when it’s silent. It only pauses to catch its breath, to start again.


Wishing you a hopefilled Romantic Monday!




Your echo alive on my pillow

In hair and teardrops

Those little ripples of closeness

You left behind

Rising to waves in my sleep

Mirages of waterfalls

You pooled out of your eyes

A cry of goodbye so strong

I can still feel your tears

Watering my dreams

Droplets of your life

Flowing in me

On my skin, at night

Reflecting the shine of shooting stars

A glitter blanket of love

Pupa Of Ice – DP, Apply Yourself

19 Jan

Today’s Daily Prompt:

Describe your last attempt to learn something that did not come easily to you.


Look what surprising beauty can be found in coldness!

Learning how to listen to yourself, how to be kinder, how to love more. How to look at the frost and see the sun shining somewhere behind. How to surrender to beauty, not to cold-hearted hate.

Pupa of Ice

Our stubborn eyes

Follow separate orbits

Bound to starry-chains and

Constellations of desperation

So afraid to meet

The in-between, the distance of us

Like a pupa of ice

Hiding under our shirts

All the passion-bred butterflies

Yearning to collide

To fly blind, wings in fire

Yet, we still believe

That if we stare down

The mockingly beautiful sun

Suddenly it will droop sleepily

To catch us unaware

With its shades of mercy

Finally, our eyes relieved

Into free falling as the sun sets

Then taken to rest

In seamless contours of light

Beyond the looking glass of frost

That mirrors our hands skinned cold

The dementia of touch

Four Letters Forgotten – Friday Five Sentence Fictioneers

18 Jan
Mouth by Thomas Saliot, I own no rights. Image source and more of his art at:http://www.thomassaliot.com/?gallery=mouth

Mouth by Thomas Saliot, I own no rights. Image source and more of his art at:

Four Letters Forgotten

I can see the shake in your eyes, the ache strumming at your spine. I can hear your stomach mourn every miscarriage of words like a loving parent would, crying in pain as your expressions melt in the hell’s kettle of acid and hurt that has filled your hollow bones. Steam gathers in your eyes and foggy ghosts of the past lurk in the corners of your lips. But in all their darkness, they’re still scared of your glorious cupid’s bow, the god-carved figurehead of your brave spirit. Because when every shop and soul is sold out of smiles, you lead your mouth to another wondrous waltz and your laugh rings like the bells of Notre Dame, in a loving concerto that revives the four letters forgotten.



That little piece above is my first ever Five Sentence Fictioneers and needless to say, I’m excited! Five Sentence Fictioneers is an intriguing challenge that, as lovely Lillie McFerring explains in her blog, is ” about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. ”

Five sentences, a prompt word, inspiration. A recipe for an imaginative adventure.

This week’s prompt word is forgotten. To check out other creative Fictioneers click here, to know more or to participate dance over to Lillie’s place.

Peace and love, always!


Hunter of El Dorado- Daily Prompt: Ripped from the Headlines!

14 Jan

Today’s Daily Prompt:

Head to your favorite online news source. Pick an article with a headline that grabs you. Now, write a short story based on the article.


Ooh, fiction fuelled by facts! How could I resist!

I picked mine from BBC’s website. It’s  El Dorado- Truth Behind The Myth,  and it discusses recent archaelogical research that has comfirmed El Dorado, the ‘golden one’, to be not a city but a person – a ruler so rich “he allegedly covered himself in gold from head to toe each morning and washed it off in a sacred lake each evening.”

Originally I clicked on it because I loved the animation film The Road to Eldorado when I was little. But reading about the old customs and rituals of the Muisca people actually got me  thinking about man’s search for riches, our society’s views on money and what we find desirable in life.

“Within Muisca society gold, or the more specifically an alloy of gold, silver and copper called tumbaga, was highly sought after, not for its material value but for its spiritual power, its connection to the deities and its ability to bring balance and harmony within Muisca society. As Muisca descendant Enrique Gonzalez explains, gold does not symbolise prosperity to his people.

“For the Muisca of today, just as for our ancestors, gold is nothing more than an offering… gold does not represent wealth to us.”

–  Extract from the article El Dorado- Truth Behind the Myth

So, are diamonds really girl’s, or man’s, best friend ?

Hunter of El Dorado

He remembered the day he lost his sight clearly.

One morning he simply woke up and found that he had lost his eyes. Instead, he now had diamonds crushing his eye sockets.

As he blinked wildly, he felt them drilling their way deeper, their spiky tips cutting on his retina and optic disc.  He felt an ache trickling down his temple, back of his neck, his spine. It was followed soon after by an insane panic, the fear that his diamond eyes would suddenly shatter and send million knife-sharp spalls into his brain, blood stream and bone marrow, paralyzing him forever.

In his mind, he could already see himself helplessly lying there, like some child’s abandoned ragdoll, just waiting for death. Till one day, his neighbour would be alerted by the smell of his rotting intestines and would finally find him, only to discover it was too late. He would be pickled and stored away in a museum, caged into a glass cabinet for everyone to goggle at like some freakish zoo animal. Here it is, ladies and gentleman and all you snotty kids, a sight so gruesome it might eat your eyes! Are you ready? Witness a man, a monster hardened by money, a hunter of El Dorado, cursed to watch life through diamond lenses! Heeeeere he is!

He could hear the gasps and shrieks of the audience. A middle-aged woman covering her child’s eyes. Don’t look at him Edith, he must have been a bad man.

Was he? A bad man? Just a foul shell of a feeling person?

It shocked him that he had never even considered this before.  Never… that word was like a fat exclamation mark laughing and pointing at him, a proof of his inadequate nature. He had the feeling of entering a room confidently, in a dream, only to find he was stark naked. Heads turned, chatter was sliced into silence. Eyes spread wide in shock-white faces.

No! This was not him!

He was leather briefcases, polished skin like precious china; he was a blank slate to be tinted with the most flattering shades at the start of every press conference, such colours that would complement everyone in the room. He was successful, smart, business. But underneath his Armani suit, he was empty.

But why now? Why today? What was this, distorting his vision?

He tried to strain his eyes immobile and unblinking, squeeze them into clarity, but in vain. His sight was ever more dispersed. All he could focus on was light, random and chaotic lustre racing in front of his eyes. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was some kind of sick joke; his mind repeating again and again the flickering light of his bedside lamp, the last thing he had laid his eyes upon. And whether his vision would be entirely different, happier, had his last sight been lover’s hair falling in loose twirls down their neck. Would he then see only love?

Nauseated by his own thoughts, he finally forced himself to move and fell out of his bed. He crawled on the floor like vermin, trying to find some shelter, a dark hole that would guard him from the firework display dancing on the surface of his irises. Instead, he found a wall to support himself with and he lifted himself up slowly, only to face the full horridness of his condition.

He saw himself staring into the full length mirror next to his wardrobe. His reflection was fragmented to him, but he could still make out one particular detail. His eyes. Terrible.

Indeed, they were perfectly shaped, purest diamonds. For a moment he got lost in them,  admiring their beauty foolishly like a child looking up to his parent and seeing the face of god. But all too soon he was ripped away from his fantasy, to witness their true nature with horror rising in his throat like pulping acid.

For his diamond eyes, like the most precious diamonds, were utterly transparent when inspected from the outside. To him, they were a cage, that frightening glass cabinet he had just conjured up in his mind. But from the mirror stared back at him the image others saw: his eyes like still, shallow water; windows reaching to the very bottom of his soul, exposing all. All his signs of weakness, his dreams, were laying there, drowned into the lake of tears. There they were, pooled into a sad pit of discarded emotions.

Then he saw it, the one dream he had most guarded in his life. It was swimming into the ether, to be lost forever.

As he watched it float by, he felt it stripping him out of his armada of ties, his armory of perfectly fitted suites, his gold watch, dropping all the zeroes on his bank account one by one as it went. It swam up, to the surface of his diamond eyes, where he watched it leaving him, his dream of love. Quickly, too quickly, it became just another light in the distance. And too late did he realize that his rich offerings, his watch and suits and money,  were but clutter. For if he had only touched love, given his dream a fleeting caress as it passed him, that…

That would have been the brightest kind of gold.