Tag Archives: learning

Pupa Of Ice – DP, Apply Yourself

19 Jan

Today’s Daily Prompt:

Describe your last attempt to learn something that did not come easily to you.


Look what surprising beauty can be found in coldness!

Learning how to listen to yourself, how to be kinder, how to love more. How to look at the frost and see the sun shining somewhere behind. How to surrender to beauty, not to cold-hearted hate.

Pupa of Ice

Our stubborn eyes

Follow separate orbits

Bound to starry-chains and

Constellations of desperation

So afraid to meet

The in-between, the distance of us

Like a pupa of ice

Hiding under our shirts

All the passion-bred butterflies

Yearning to collide

To fly blind, wings in fire

Yet, we still believe

That if we stare down

The mockingly beautiful sun

Suddenly it will droop sleepily

To catch us unaware

With its shades of mercy

Finally, our eyes relieved

Into free falling as the sun sets

Then taken to rest

In seamless contours of light

Beyond the looking glass of frost

That mirrors our hands skinned cold

The dementia of touch